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Hey there TheAtrxcity here! 

The last 10 days were a lot of fun thanks to the team at Game Anglia and the community around the game jam.

I am only a small indie developer dreaming big to one day be able to create a hit game. Working on this game was really difficult for me as I am currently struggling with Mental Health and it feels like literally everything that can go wrong is going wrong in my life at the moment. I used to work on games a lot more and spend more time doing it but I hadn't been able to find the motivation to do so. 

Thanks to the help of my friend Not Jam I was able to actually finish (although not to my preferred standards) and felt "forced" to complete the jam to not only not disappoint myself but also him. 

I feel like I could have made the game a lot more balanced and polished and this has not been me at my full strength but I am happy I made a step at putting myself and Not Jam on the map. 

I hope you will all enjoy our little game and thank you for reading my post! 


Norwich Game Festival.zip Play in browser
30 days ago

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